About Stevie

Through the years as a small, co-business owner, in charge of personnel, Stevie, believed that helping another to tap into their heart’s desire for work,  would facilitate them in living a business life, guided by their soul’s need for fulfilment.  Being of service in that way, was always within her purview; and over rode her desire to keep someone in their employ, if them moving on was in their best interest.   Always asking, “What do you want to do with your life,” Stevie helped someone to think about that and believe that they could do what they really wanted to in this life.

In 2004, a fluke call to a woman who a friend had recommended for a “good reading”, changed her life, by eventually, bringing her back to where she originally thought she would be working – within the spiritual community.  The “good reading,” she eventually, found out, was an Akashic Record Consultation, something she didn’t remember hearing about until then.  In the consultation, Stevie, was told, that she too had done consultations for others in past lives.  In addition, however, she was told that some of those lives had not ended well because she didn’t have the proper tools!  Tools, was the exact word, with a powerful, hook for Stevie that led her to know she needed – no, had – to get those tools!  Her love of a proper tool to do a job correctly, led her to travel, so she could take a two-day class to learn about the Akashic Records.  The Records, had called to her and there was not a choice here – Stevie knew she would take that class.

By 2006, Stevie had taken her second class and she knew she would work with the Record Keepers for the rest of her life, because here was a way to help others to learn how to tap into their soul’s Divine Wisdom. Here was a tool that others could use to help themselves and then help others if they were called to do that.  By, 2011, Stevie had become a Certified Consultant and a Certified Teacher.

Stevie’s desire to help individuals tap into their own potential, was now finding a way to express itself, with the assistance of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones – those energetic beings of the Records, also known as, The Record Keepers

After receiving a new prayer to open the Records, and other information to teach this process, she was called to create her own school, The School of Akashic Evolution.  (Renamed from Akashic Evolution, Inc.)

In presenting the original Akashic website, to Stevie, as a gift, her husband Bill, dubbed her “A Soul Specialist” and wrote – “As a SOUL (Self – Ownership Utilizing Love) Specialist, over the past 30 plus years, Stevie, facilitated others to recognize; and to tap into their own abilities to be independent, creative solution seekers, rather than victims of their circumstances.

This facilitation happened, within our businesses, as she recognized that an employee would benefit by furthering their career through education or other employment.  Now, it continues as Stevie helps others to tap into the Divine Realms of the Akasha, showing them a tool, that will enable each who avail themselves of it, how to find their own answers, how to reach their dreams and how to access their Soul’s desires and missions.

The realization that LOVE; and FORGIVENESS, is truly all we have, has led, her through the years.”